SPX 2024, Table W67
Howdy, if you’re in the neighborhood of Bethesda or DC, the Small Press Expo is happening this weekend! (9/14-9/15) I’ll be there for the first time in five years, and I’ll have a boatload of Margo books, and the original art from vol 3, The Tangled Web, on sale for the first time. I’ll even have some in-progress art from the upcoming book. Table W67, stop on by!

Heroes Con 2024
I’ll be at Heroes Con’s Indie Island this year! It’s been so long since I’ve done a show like this, back in the pre-pandemic era. I’ll be at table ii-1116, in between Joey Weiser and Mike Maihack. I’ll have all the Margo books, original art, and I might even bring some as-yet-unseen art from the next book. Come on by if you’re in the area!

Fluke 2024
Hey y’all! I am slowly emerging from my little hole. So, if you’re in or around Athens, GA, Fluke is this weekend (March 30th)! I’ll be there with some Margo books and what-not, come say hi if you’re there!

Margo Book “Tour”
Real life book tours are out, so let’s take this baby online! For the release of the new Margo book, The Tangled Web, we’ve got a week’s worth of fun stuff over on Instagram – book giveaways, readings, and live drawing! Head on over to my Instagram to enter the raffle, and here’s the full slate of events: